Your Financial future starts with UB finance student account package. We have got your banking needs covered in and beyond your Student career. The UB finance student account package is an all-inclusive bundle created with students in mind to make banking simple and convenient while you and in school and after you graduate. It is also design to teach student responsible financial management through the use of saving account.
The Student Package Include:
Share Account; An 8000frs deposits start and retain your membership.
Student Savings Account: your access to all the benefits of being a UB finance Member Start here, by staying connected to this account 24/7 with the UB finance mobile app, you can begin growing the money you need to reach short and long term goals.
Mobile Banking, free access to keep you on track easily.
SMS alert notification on every transaction.
Electronic bill payment ENEO, CANAL+, Airtime purchase for all networks
Prepaid VISA card, to enable you do your shopping from home
Free financial Mentorship.
Access to student Loans
Student ID Card
National ID card
2 Passport size photograph
Minimum deposit of 8000frs